Superior on-target rates and exceptional uniformity of coverage
Ultimate sensitivity for variant detection down to 0.1% VAF
Suitable for use with cell-free DNA (cfDNA), genomics DNA (gDNA) or formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded DNA (FFPE)
Technology geared towards delivering the highest level of sensitivity and specificity for cell-free and genomic DNA testing
The combination of panel design, adapter design and library prep optimization deliver a high-performance panel suitable for use with cfDNA as well as gDNA and FFPE.
Whether using carefully curated catalog panels or your own custom design panel, all Cell3 Target panels deliver high on-target rates and uniformity of coverage so that you can sequence, even to the very high depths required for detecting variants in cfDNA, knowing that you are not sequencing more than you need to.
- Built-in dual indexes and unique molecular identifiers (UMIs) reduce PCR and sequencing error rates and ensures ultimate sensitivity for ultra-low variant detection, down to 0.1% VAF
- Enzymatic shearing for gDNA avoids sonication requirements, generating greater uniformity of DNA fragment sizes as input material
- Library prep is optimized to work on small fragments so ideally suited for cfDNA or FFPE DNA applications
- Minimal clean up steps ensure maximum recovery of precious sample
- Highly efficient hybridisation and capture protocol reduces off-target rates and ensures specificity even with smaller panels minimizing wastage of sequencing runs
NGS library preparation designed to make your life easier
Our streamlined, optimized library preparation workflow increases sample throughput and reduces time at the bench.
- One workflow for all DNA sample types
- Enzymatic shearing of gDNA not only avoids sonication but allows fragmentation and end tail repair to happen in a single reaction reducing loss of sample during clean ups and saving around one hour of preparation time
- Pre-capture pooling of samples reduces the number of capture reactions and the required amount of panel, improving throughput and cost effectiveness
- A single efficient hybridization step reduces protocol time by up to eight hours
- Using Target Pure™ NGS clean-up beads avoids the requirement for a vacuum concentrator or freeze drier
- Ensures fast and simple library preparation - DNA fragmentation to adaptor ligation is conducted in a single tube, which reduces the number of clean up steps and limits DNA loss
- Automation compatible
Which Cell3 Target option is right for you?
Expertly curated catalog panels
Leverage our expertise in panel design and try one of our clinically validated panels.
Find out more:
Easy to design custom panels
Our online Panel Design Tool makes designing your own high performance NGS panel simple.
- Over 1000 panels designed
- Easy, intuitive interface
- Instant access to coverage statistics
Why choose Cell3 Target?
Suitable for all DNA types
Whether you are working with long or short DNA fragments, one kit and one workflow covers both.
Ultrasensitive variant detection
Built-in dual indexes and UMIs reduce error rates and ensure ultimate sensitivity for ultra-low variant detection, down to 0.1% VAF.
Simple one tube protocol
A streamlined protocol, maximises yield of precious sample, reduces time at the bench and supports automation.
Cost effective solution
Optimized on-target rates, pre-pooled captures and high fold 80 scores ensure that library preparation and sequencing offer a cost-effective solution to NGS analysis, especially at the sequencing depths required for liquid biopsy.
Cell3™ Target or GALEAS™?
Suitable for all DNA types
GALEAS is an innovative platform that combines clinically validated Cell3 Target panels with sophisticated tailor made bioinformatic tools for diagnostic reporting.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.