Collaborative Designs EGFR Mutation Panel

Analyze actionable mutations in the EGFR pathway

Cell3™ Target: Actionable Mutation panel (EGFR)

Detect low frequency variants in key oncogenes of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) pathway using genomic DNA (gDNA) or cell-free DNA (cfDNA) from primary tumors or liquid biopsies.

Clinically relevant content

A highly focused panel covering the actionable mutations in key oncogenes in the EGFR pathway.

Primary tumor or liquid biopsy

Developed for and validated on cfDNA as well as gDNA and FFPE giving you the option to profile primary tumors or liquid biopsies and matched samples.

Confidently call low frequency variants

Cell3 Target error suppression technology including unique molecular identifiers (UMIs), enables you to accurately call ultra-low frequency mutations down to 0.1% VAF.

Fast and affordable

Using a focused panel simplifies analysis and reduces costs making this a fast and affordable method of profiling variants in the EGFR pathway.

Focused coverage of EGFR pathway

Table 1: Gene content for Cell3 Target: Actionable Mutation panel

Gene Number of targets Including coverage of:
BRAF 2 V600
EGFR 9 G719, D761, T790, L858, L861, exon 19 indel, exon 20 insertion
KRAS 3 G12, G13, Q61, A416
NRAS 3 G12, G13, Q61
Pan-Cancer-Panel-Image-2 680x616

Sensitive enough for liquid biopsy

Liquid biopsy offers a non-invasive method of detecting cancer early or monitoring cancer post chemotherapy or surgery, but it requires extremely sensitive analysis due to the small amounts of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) and even smaller amounts of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) present.

The error suppression technology of Nonacus Cell3 Target libraries includes unique molecular indexes (UMIs) and unique dual indexes (UDIs) for removal of both PCR and sequencing errors and index hopping events. This ensures that the Actionable Mutation panel (EGFR) will enable you to confidently call mutations down to 0.1% VAF and enables generation of sequencing libraries from as little as 1 ng of cfDNA input.

Table 2: No. of samples per flow cell to achieve 100x mean depth of coverage based on 2x100 bp library and maximum quoted sequencer output for Cell3 Target: Actionable Mutation panel.

Product Sequencer Flow cell Samples/flow cell Average depth (expected)
Actionable Mutation Panel MiSeq Micro v2 300 cycle 19 500x*
Actionable Mutation Panel MiSeq v2 500 cycle 72 500x*
Actionable Mutation Panel MiSeq v3 300 cycle 120 500x*
Actionable Mutation Panel MiSeq v2 500 cycle 2 20,000x**
Actionable Mutation Panel MiSeq v3 300 cycle 3 20,000x**
Actionable Mutation Panel NextSeq 300 cycle mid output 19 20,000x**
Actionable Mutation Panel NextSeq 300 cycle high output 64 20,000x**
Actionable Mutation Panel NovaSeq SP 300 cycle 120 20,000x**

** Liquid biopsy ctDNA

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. 

See our customer publications

Product support

Cell3™ Target panels are available with one of two versions of our library preparation kits:

  • Fragmentation: for use with gDNA (FF or FFPE)
  • Non-Fragmentation: for use with cell free DNA

ProductCatalog No.
Cell3™ Target: Actionable Mutation Panel, Frag 16 samplesNGS_C3T_ACP_FR_16
Cell3™ Target: Actionable Mutation Panel, Frag 96 samplesNGS_C3T_ACP_FR_96_A/B/C/D*
Cell3™ Target: Actionable Mutation Panel, Non Frag 16 samplesNGS_C3T_ACP_NF_16
Cell3™ Target: Actionable Mutation Panel, Non Frag 96 samplesNGS_C3T_ACP_NF_96_A/B/C/D*

* To provide flexibility in multiplexing samples, our 96-sample kits offer a choice in adapter plate:

A = Adapter plate with indexes 1-96
B = Adapter plate with indexes 97-192
C = Adapter plate with indexes 193-288
D = Adapter plate with indexes 289-384

Interested in our Cell3™ Target: Actionable Mutation panel?